Thursday, December 03, 2020

Illusion Town Audio

 I'm back with another ear-glow. Today I finished the last audiobook my library has for Jayne Castle's Ghost Hunter series which takes place on the planet of Harmony. 

This one is called Illusion Town

This audio book is also narrated by Barbara Rosenblat and I am a very happy listener. I like her vocal style. 

I don't remember reading this one in print, but since I'm a fan, I was delighted to experience the story like I was listening to a play over the radio. 

The one word that is used a lot is 'chortle'. Cats purr, foxes yip, and dust bunnies chortle.  I have a mental picture of dust bunnies. If you've ever seen the movie, Dark Crystal, you might remember Fizzgig - the adorable fluffy companion with a mouthful of teeth. Give Fizzgig 4 eyes and 6 legs and extra poofy fur and you have a dust bunny. They are my favorite secondary characters in the series and each one has its own personality. Virgil is Hannah's furbuddy in Illusion Town and Virgil's token of choice is a doll.  What is so special about the doll is only realized by fans of the series. When Hannah and Elias discover the carnival, it gave me a flashback to a lot of the stories that happened on Earth, where Harmony's population and history started. Every exhibit starred in a mystery solved in the past and had a hero and heroine that vanquished the madman or madwoman of the piece. The tradition of mystery, suspense, drama and unusual items of import continued in Illusion Town

Ms. Rosenblat once again provides a variety of voices to bring the story alive. There's the pushy scientist, Hannah's aunts, of course the bad guys, and the hero and heroine. All of them were distinct. 

The difference between this book and the one I reviewed yesterday is the humor. There is less in Illusion Town but there's more drama, exciting escapes and an ending that seemed more of a wrap-up to the series for now, instead of just ending it with the HEA between Hannah and Elias. The list of who's who is what gave me that impression. Of course, I seriously hope that Ms. Castle (Jayne Ann Krentz) will once again write more adventures on Harmony. Fans would be so happy, including me. 

I give this story high marks for keeping my interest. I listened to the audiobook while commuting to and from work, while at work (I have my own office so I can do this) and when I got home. I simply couldn't stop listening -which is par for the course because that's the same kind of experience with the author's print books - I can't put them down.  The difference with audiobooks is - I don't have to stop just because I'm driving a car!  :) 

Audio books are my new favorite things and I had to share. 


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