Sunday, December 03, 2006

Flying Slugs

A Big Thank you to all of you who responded to my previous post about Trista. You are the BEST!!!!

I just wanted to update my blog with a snippet of my family life.

Today I was treated to a new sport.

Flying Slugs.

First, you build one of those balsam wood planes that use a rubber band for propulsion.
Second, you go outside and look under rocks, old rotting wood or forest debris.
Third, attach said slugs onto the wings of the plane.
Fourth, Wind her up.
Fifth, Let 'er rip!!

The amazing thing? The slugs stay on for more rides!

Doesn't it remind you of when you go on a roller coaster? Don't you always want to immediately go on another daring ride?
Guess we have something in common with the common slug.
Who knew they were little dare devils?



Brandy said...

Why do I have the feeling the new sport was developed by your boys? *g*

Emmy Ellis said...

Oh, poor slugs!


Jill Monroe said...

I think I need to see a video of this!

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