Observations and comments on subjects near and dear to me. Some funny, some serious, but to share them with you is an honor.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Aurevoir to 2006
Here we are again folks, time to say goodbye on another New Year's Eve. This is my second in blogland and I have to say, this past year was better than the year before. Sure, my Christmas sucked because of that virus, but that doesn't represent the whole year.
I'm ending it on a healthier note, so all is good and upbeat and hey, we have 1/99th of a inch of snow on the ground. How cool is that? Oh about 28 degrees worth, LOL.
I have made some wonderful new blog buddies, met some incredibly talented authors -{{ one for whom I need to do a shout out about her book - Savannah Jordan's ,Sacreligious - I finally read it and I LOVED it!! She makes Anubis to be one sexy Egyptian god. *whew!* }}, I have a MySpace place, I found a new job which I'm alovin' and my little one finally started losing teeth, much to the astonishment of the Tooth Fairy.
I would like to ask, of all the New Year's Resolutions that you'll make, which one would you most likely keep?
I kept the one and only one I made last year - To make a man/eye candy blog-*grin* but this year, I have to be a bit more adult about it.
I am making only TWO (2) resolutions.
On the fun side,
Some of our New Years Resolutions can be quite unrealistic at times.
My idea, coming from the avid romance reader inside me, is a simple wish for you.
Of course, since one of my resolutions is one of THE most common ones - to lose weight - I mean, my DH lost 25 lbs after he made his in 2006 and he's a great inspiration for me - I want to have to have a least a back door wish in anticipation of my less than ideal results .....
*giggle* No, seriously, I wouldn't REALY wish this because I am sure I'm not the only one thinking about doing the same thing - (losing weight!) but the kitty is just so Adorable about it, don't you think?
I hope your celebrations this evening are memorable, wild but safe, and filled with the best of wishes of your family and friends.
You have mine.
Happy New Year for 2007!!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
A cheap UpBeat post
The day after the holidays is always the toughest.
How many of you feel a little like this?
When you look at all the wrapping paper strewn all over your house, all the new gifts or the left over food and all the chores undone, do you feel a little ...
Overwhelmed and bombarded?
Tis nae tribble at'll.
Call the Cleaning Fairy!
Some items she'll be using are:
Happy Tuesday Dec. 26th!
Oh! And Happy Kwanza - starts today I believe.
Psst. Fever broke late last night. Yea!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
A wish for you
Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
I don't have the concentration to do a full fancy post. Went to ER last night. Looks like I'm spending the whole weekend at home, in bed, with pain med's. 102.9 fever the highest. (Virus)
Please have a wonderful, exciting and happy time this Christmas ... , I'm counting on you to have lots of fun!
And stay healthy!
OH, Remember I said that there was voting going on at the RBL Site? Nathan didn't stand a chance. The winner by 121 votes is ......
Adrian Paul.
Nice choice, but maybe next year?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Hey! My new Camera Works!!!!!
As you can see,
Monday, December 18, 2006
Where's the snow?
The snow most certainly can't be found on this side of the country.
It's been balmy and warm. Flies still manage to find their way indoors to buzz and bug us ad naseum. Despite the lights, the music, the crowded malls and the money flying out of our bank accounts with disturbing ease, The Spirit of Christmas is alive and well.
Today, me and my friend, "P", whom I've not seen since Halloween, went out to breakfast then shopping. At the moment we started backing out of our parking spot to head home, I noticed this little old lady struggling to get a box out of a shopping cart. The long box was almost as big as she was! I could see that she wasn't having an easy time of it, so pointed her out to "P" and said,
" I think she's going to need help."
That's all I had to say.
"P" parked that truck so fast, I had whiplash. LOL
I got out and offered her my help.
Nothing lights up your day more than seeing a sweet smile of surprise on the recipient of your good intentions.
She was so grateful and her hearty "Merry Christmas!" had more meaning in it than the phrase had only five minutes before.
This qualifies as one of M's Favorite Things.
The day couldn't get much nicer ... or so I thought.
I checked my mail box when I got home and something wonderful was waiting.
My blog buddy, Brandy, sent me a little surprise!! Which means that my day got even better.
What was inside?
A beautiful book mark! How well she knows me. *grin*
It's a perfect fit.
and a box of irrisistable diet busting candy from SEEs!!! You have NO idea how hard it is to get SEEs candy around here. The last time I had some of their candy was ..... oh, about three years ago.
So for all the blogworld to see, I say , "THANK YOU, BRANDY!"
I'm continually humbled by the wonderful people that populate blogland.
How'd I get so lucky??
If I figure out how my new Christmas present works from my DH, I might post a picture of the book mark!!
Hope your shopping is almost done!
The reindeer are getting anxious. *gg*
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
The final farewell - American Veteran
And it is long. There is nothing about what I saw, felt and did that a short post could do justice to.
First, I love my job. An intricate emotional level was recently added which gave my position a surprising depth. What happened yesterday made this more than a job.
I have to be vague, but I can share the sentiment.
What is sadder than death?
How about;
Death without anyone to care for your passing. No one to attend your funeral, no one to shed a tear and say, "You'll be missed."
What makes this worse?
The deceased was a military man. He valiantly served our country in WWII and he died with no one to mark his passing.
Tragically, that happens more than you may realize. More than I realized. However, I was able to make a small difference. For one moment. For one man or, at least, his soul.
Last week, I was given the task of arranging a military funeral for this war vetern. The decision of what would happen would be mine. I'd never done such a thing before and was a little nervous. The lady who worked there was exceptional and helped make the process smooth. I had to make a few decisions but she took care of the rest. I had no idea what constituted "the rest", but I figured we would find out.
Most of the honor guards are volunteer retired military vets and there were two choices based on their avalibility, to have the honor guard and (if volunteers avaliable) a gun salute.
If I don't use the right words, forgive me. I'm was a tad overwhelmed.
I chose the the gun salute to go with the honor guard and I said that we would provide the prayer service.
Me saying prayers? I have NEVER done such I thing. What was I thinking?!!
Yesterday, I , my boss and my co-worker went to the Military Cemetary.
Prior to leaving, I had asked my boss what we were going to say for our part in the service.
Turns out no one really thought conciously about it. Seems none of us had ever done such a thing before.
I'm not sure what made me do it, that mad dash of "grab and go", but I snagged my Bible before I left for work.
A frantic call to my parish priest from the office garnered a dictated prayer that he would've said himself for a deceased military vet started things off. My boss got that one, my co-worker suggested Psalm 23 and I found by flipping pages ,the Psalm 116. It touched me, spoke to me ... and in that moment, I knew. We were ready. I was ready.
The sun gave us unseasonable warmth and a blue sky greeted us as we got out of our cars.
The chapel had military personnel flanking the doors, which they opened upon our arrival. Flags of all our military branches lined one side of the room. In front was a rather large picture window which encompassed the majority of the wall. It faced a field of grass still green and lush. We could see a cement walkway in the form of a "T" situated in the middle of our outside view.
The atmosphere inside seemed to touch us with a respectful and sombre air. You had a sense that the chapel seemed filled with pride in the vets it has honored in the past. Patriotism doesn't die with death.
The sound of our voices seemed out of place. None of us felt like talking.
When the service started, beautiful words were voiced - full of respect and gratitude for the years this man gave to our country and its freedom. In front of us, through the huge window, we watched men in full uniform march in formation heading for that cement "T" we had noticed. They had the rifles for the salute. Have you ever seen this done? It reaches the American Patriot inside us all when this honor is experienced first hand. Watching it on TV buffers us from the emotion and we miss out because of it. Seeing the flare of orange as the guns discharge makes an impact on your senses.
Then it came to our turn. My boss was quite eloquent and heartfelt. She had gotten to know the man and thought he'd been a sweatheart. Hers was the personal touch that this man deserved. My friend read her choice, Psalm 23. Then came mine. I'd only read it once in my mind and now I was about to stand up and voice this outloud. Would it reach out and touch more than just me?
Psalm 116
Thankgiving to God Who Saves From Death
I love the Lord, who listened
to my voice in supplication,
Who turned an ear to me
on the day I called.
I was caught by the cords of death,
the snares of Sheol had seized me;
I felt agony and dread.
Then I called on the name of the Lord,
'O Lord, save my life!"
Gracious is the Lord and just;
yes, our God is merciful.
The Lord protects the simple;
I was helpless, but God saved me.
Return, my soul, to your rest;
the Lord has been good to you.
For my soul has been freed from
my eyes from tears, my feet from
I shall walk before the Lord in the land of the living.
My boss turned to me once I sat back down, leaned over and whispered. " Thank you" in a hushed and choked voice. I wasn't alone in my feelings about Psalm 116.
The honor guard then proceeded to open the side doors to the outside air. Within moments came the haunting and emotional tribute of TAPS. The crisp and clear notes of two bugles, one slightly delayed that seemed to resemble an echo of Patriots past carried on the gentle breeze as it swirled in from the open doors until the last notes drifted away.
Goose bumps raised on my arms and tears formed in my eyes. A fitting tribute to a man that never should have been forgotten. Never should have died so alone after what he gave for all of us so long ago.
At that moment, not only was I proud to do this for a fellow American, but felt immensely blessed to have a job that could provide this human touch, this act of kindness.
How'd I get so damned lucky?
The presentation of the flag is a study in respect, honor and pride. The presentation of the bullet casings was unexpected and appreciated.
Yesterday had a big impact on me.
Can you see why I couldn't do a short post about this?
Why I had to post this?
I don't want to forget.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I had a WHOOPS moment
As you may be aware, I'm on MySpace. They have initiated a new feature, their own IM product.
So, I downloaded it and sent a bulletin out to the 40 friends I have listed. Only three have activated the program so my options of chatting are severely limited.
Imagine my surprise tonight when I connected!
Oh, was I excited. I got to talk books! Romance books. My MySpace "friend" reads Nora Roberts. So we started comparing notes on authors and themes. I had mentioned that I enjoy romances that have Navy SEALs.
I was asked what the allure was about Navy SEAL romances.
My response garnered this comment, "SEALs do tend to have it all, smart, built as well as usually dark and handsome."
Oh , yes, this fellow reader new what was what.
I agreed and said that I enjoyed sexy vampires, werewolves and a sexy elf thrown in for good measure too . We talked paranormal romances versus contemporaries.
So, there I was, typing blythly along when WHAM! One little phrase made me sit up and take notice.
Guess what?
My IM MySpace friend?
WAS A GUY!!!!!!!!!!
Frantically I'm rereading all that I wrote about sexy Vikings, Vampires and muscle cars and I'm starting to blush to the roots of my hair.
Oh my!
A guy who reads romance? Ima thinking maybe he's going to make a wonderful and attentive husband someday.
I keep telling myself this to help get over the mortification.
So, um, this is funny, right?
Saturday, December 09, 2006
I'm a RBL
That I was a RBL.
Romance Book -lover.
Sure you did. What you may not know, and only care about if you are a romance book reader, is that there is a site out there in Blogland that caters to the author and reader alike. It's a very well mannered but highly energetic group of women who know how to enjoy all aspects of romance novels.
A lady I met two years ago who owns a UBS introduced me to it.
On Romance by the Blog, Michelle B's site, she had romantica, erotic romance authors visiting to give us their understanding of that part of the genre. Jaid Black was there, Robin Schone and Emma Holly.
Pretty high powered stuff. Look in my links under Michelle B's blog and you'll get to see it.
The reason I'm bringing up the RBL aspect is that Emma Holly IS a RBL. If I'm not mistaken, so is Karen Marie Moning. Right now, we are voting on the best male model. The contest is only days away from closing. There are 4 finalists. Adrian Paul and Nathan Kamp being my favorite two to choose from.
Are you curious about the best kept secret for Romance Book Fans out there?
Remember, this place is fun BUT respectful. They don't allow snarkiness because once you are there for awhile, you are like family. These ladies see the best in people and are supportive when bad things hit the "family". You just want to cyber-hug all of them. I've even met a fellow RBL - and they are as sweet in person as they are online.
Visit a RBL today!
Just so you can see what is a stake here, these are three out of the four nominees:
What do you think???
Thursday, December 07, 2006
A Test of Personality
A pencil and paper?
Try this Tibetin Personality Quiz. http://memoriter.net/flash/test.html
I'll let you know what I got.
I have pride in my family, but career comes before love, but thankfully, Money comes last.
My personality is furry, my partner is cute, sex is my nirvana and my life is pleasant.
I botched the colors as far as I'm concerned. And my lucky number? Ha! Only if that was my harem.
It didn't take long to do this. Even with Dial-up.
I hope you get more entertaining results than me.
Dang, I almost did resluts again. Must be all that thinking of Nirvana.
Time flies
My hours are getting shorter but the days are getting longer. How strange is that?
Did you know that I'm on MySpace? Yep, Have been for awhile. I did something that is either really brave, silly or foolhardy. Take your pic.
I downloaded their IM product.
I have Yahoo messenger too but only one person "talks" to me on that. She's an author and I adore her. She has her first published book out but I haven't read it yet. I bought it, but naughty me, haven't read it. I remember her sharing excerpts with me and I will tell you, I KNOW I'm going to enjoy the anthology. No doubt about it. Just haven't gotten around to it. Same with another author I found while aimlessly hitting the Next Blog button. It was the first time I'd ever found a real cool blog by doing that. I bought her book too, but again, haven't found the time to read it.
Of course I HAVE read books, but these are Ebooks. Which means I have to sit my butt down in the chair and stay there. Paper books can be dragged all over - the bedroom, the waiting room at a car dealership, um .... dare I say, the bathroom too? ... yes indeed, paperback books can travel. So they get read quicker, easier and first.
Yes, yes, I know all about the E-readers out there. The big difference is the price. I'm looking at the choice between my handy dandy stationary PC already paid for vs. a fancy on the go machine that I would have to buy. I don't know about you, but I really don't see the need to spend money on that kind of device .... yet.
I am keeping my eye on them though. It's one of the future wish list items , like DSL ( no supporting wiring avaliable from phone company as of yet) or a new fancy schmancy digital camera or a landscaper. I'd throw in a maseusse, but I'd be pushing my luck.
I priced the cable internet around here. I'm curious as to what other companies charge for cable internet.
I was quoted $47.00 per month plus an initial $50.00 installation fee.
Is that comparable to other parts of the country? Are there cheaper rates out there? More?
Personally, I think they are greedy. Why does it have to be almost 50 bucks a month? In my locality, there is no competition - you either have cable or dial up.
I hate monopolies.
So, between all and sundry, time flies between posts. I hope all is well with all my visitors and that your holiday/Christmas shopping is going well.
Haven't even started.
Oh my.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Flying Slugs
I just wanted to update my blog with a snippet of my family life.
Today I was treated to a new sport.
Flying Slugs.
First, you build one of those balsam wood planes that use a rubber band for propulsion.
Second, you go outside and look under rocks, old rotting wood or forest debris.
Third, attach said slugs onto the wings of the plane.
Fourth, Wind her up.
Fifth, Let 'er rip!!
The amazing thing? The slugs stay on for more rides!
Doesn't it remind you of when you go on a roller coaster? Don't you always want to immediately go on another daring ride?
Guess we have something in common with the common slug.
Who knew they were little dare devils?
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Please give a cyber hug
Oh My Goodness! I am horrified by Trista's loss. Senseless, totally.
You, my readers (thank you) have proven to be caring and supportive whenever I mention things that tug my heart. Please visit her blog and give her and her family a cyber hug, OK?
Hugs to Trista
The Email that Tickled me Silly
Tickle Me Elmo
There is a factory in Northern Minnesota which makes the Tickle Me Elmo toys.
The toy laughs when you tickle it under the arms.
Well, Lena is hired at The Tickle Me Elmo factory and she reports for her first day promptly at 8:00 AM .
The next day at 8:45 AM there is a knock at the Personnel Manager's door.
The Foreman throws open the door and begins to rant about the new employee.
He complains that she is incredibly slow and the whole line is backing up, putting the entire production line behind schedule.
The Personnel Manager decides he should see this for himself, so the 2 men march down to the factory floor. When they get there the line is so backed up that there are Tickle Me Elmo's all over the factory floor and they're really beginning to pile up.
At the end of the line stands Lena surrounded by mountains of Tickle Me Elmo's.
She has a roll of plush red fabric and a huge bag of small marbles. The 2 men watch in amazement as she cuts a little piece of fabric, wraps it around two marbles and begins to carefully sew the little package between Elmo's legs.
The Personnel Manager bursts into laughter.
After several minutes of hysterics he pulls himself together and approaches Lena .
"I'm sorry," he says to her, barely able to keep a straight face, "but I think you misunderstood the instructions I gave you yesterday..."
"Your job is to give Elmo two test tickles."
How can you not grin at this story? LOL
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Life's excitement
Take it where and when you can.
Like this adorable and functional bag.
Yes, it's a bag, see the blue handle?
The old phrase,
"I'm with the old bag" takes on a new appreciation when the bag in question is as fine as this one.
For this, I wouldn't mind being called a
"bag lady". LOL
Fill it up!
Then, there is the X-treme view of creating your own excitement. I used to want to do this. "Used" to being the operative word. It always looked so glamorous, dangerous and life affirming. Provided you didn't go SPLAT on a rock.
Now, these many decades past, I'm no longer looking to find that adrenaline pumping type of excitement. I've got too much to live for, loved ones counting on me and too much future to want to put in harms way. But dang, it sure looks delicious, doesn't it?
Then, of course, there are those that need directions to find the spice of life. Believe it or not, but there are quite a few considerate folks out there willing to help.
I just love how the arrow points up.
Of course, and I warn you, this type of spice is not for the faint of heart. Some people find indulging and enjoying the culinary delights of nature to be QUITE exciting.
Not me. Nope, never, ever, not in my most drunken state (not that I do that, of course ), not even in my wildest survivalist musings, would I ever consider this to be exciting. But there are those that would, will and do.
As far as I'm concerned, for me to enjoy these,
My name would have to be
Woody and I'd only touch these babies with a very hard pecker...
you know. woodpecker? The bird?
Yep, find excitement in your life.
In the unexpected places.
Words - pet peeve generator
I'd like to share a pet peeve observation.
Ever watch one of the early shows?
Ever hear the words, "LIVE, from Rockefellar Plaza!"
Um, what else WOULD they be?
Ever hear, "Special Edition of ...Today!" ??
Okaaay, like they're not on EVERY DAY?? What the heck is so special??
Do they DO anything different?
I understand that the subject matter can be influential, but it's not like the show isn't broadcasted at any other time of day or has a new format or hosts/hostesses.
What is supposed to stand out to MAKE it different?
It's not like a New And Improved formula for toilet cleaner.
Those words just seem so, .... silly? exaggerated?
Am I the only one that this strikes as odd?
Sunday, November 26, 2006
A Good Question needs a good answer
Please READ the post before this- it's a lot more fun.
However, a question was asked by Marg on my previous- previous post - "What kinds of glitches has Beta Blogger having?"
Instead of writing it all down, I thought I'd copy and paste a few for those who are curious.
Are you ready to read???
"I recently switched to blogger beta and I noticed that my archives are all dead links. When I try to replublish my archives all I get is "Google Error: Server error, The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds"
"Having had nothing but problems since migrating to beta blogger and having received no response from Google's apprently indifferent support program "
" My problem with beta at the moment is that when I login and go to add a new entry the only options available to me are spell checker and picture adder. I am unable to change the word formating, add web links, colour or anything else"
"I can't seem to edit, publish, and create new post ever since I've switched to google beta.. everytime I tried, the loading got stucked, nothing was shown in the end. I clicked back and tried over and over again, results same. I can't do ANYTHING to my blog at all now except to play with the basic settings"
"Before Beta, I could only post using Blooger for Word a bit over half the time. Now with Beta Blogger, I can't use Word at all."
"In switching to Beta...I have lost my blog. "
"Many photos are not being displayed since I switched to Beta"
So, there you have it. A "SMALL" insight as to what I've been seeing about Beta Blogger and why I am dragging my feet about switching over.
Did this help you at all????
E Book Shout Out
I was visiting Ellora's Cave and I was thrilled to find out that not only did Shelly Munro have the third installment of her Talking Dog series out ( Did I tell you Shelly "friended" me on MySpace? Squeeee!) , but Lauren Dane had not one but TWO of her Witches Knot books out. I knew Thrice United was her latest, but never realized that I'd missed Vengence Due.
Then, I decided that I'd try a new author with a different slant on dragons, Arctic Dragon by Delilah Devlin.
It is a short story.
I have only one complaint.
It was TOO DARNED short!
There were hints of a realm war coming on. There were hints that her thwarted Blue Smurf, ( I loved that line) was more than met the eye and the world she wrote about had oh, SO much possibility that when the story ended, I felt that I was teased. Thwarted more than the blue guy.
Yes, yes, yes, I got my HEA. You know how I feel about those.
I still feel teased. There was so much richness of world and character hinted at that I felt I was left with a cliffhanger. There's no rescue in sight, however, and that's what bugs the muse in me.
Another short offering I took a chance on was Bacchus by Jordan Summers.
This one was a bit more complete. I didn't feel like I bought a creme puff that only had a dallop of cream in it. This one delivered.
I have to say this.
There was a lot of original thought in this one. The eyes weren't the only things red. It was very clever of the author to introduce a being that seems like a vampire, but isn't.
I'm not telling WHAT he is. *grin*
It's clever, different and that made it enjoyable.
If you are in any way curious about these stories or authors, I've included links.
Nothing like sharing the literary wealth.
What have you been reading that's given you a pleasant surprise?
Oh, and before I forget, if you have any opinions on the new Beta Blogger, please let me know on the previous post. Thanks.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Beta Blogger - a quiz or a poll or just being nosy
It's about the new Beta Blogger that I'm constantly hearing about.
Have you switched?
If you have, how has it worked for you?
If you haven't, why not?
I am torn. And I'm feeling pressured.
Have you noticed that when you comment now, that you HAVE to relog in with your Blogger name and password? Seems nothing gets "saved" anymore. What a pain!
I even have to when I answer comments ON MY OWN BLOG!!
I checked my Blogger settings to see if I could get around that, but nothing looks different. I can't seem to make any changes to make it go back to the way it was.
A ploy?
A plot?
A Scheme?
All I know is that I'm irritated by the whole thing.
I subscribe to the Yahoo groups for Blogger people where you can report your problems and others respond who have already gone through it. They help you, sometimes before the "Blogger Geniuses" ever get back to you.
What do I see/hear?
Complaints, Tons of complaints about the Beta version of Blogger.
AND once you switch, you can not go back. Seems to me, they're putting the pressure on for us oldies to switch without ironing all the bugs out first. Seems WE are the testers, and have to put up with the learning curves and bumps along the way until they reach Beta "perfection".
So, I ask again. Have you switched? Is it worth it? What's the big difference?
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Are you ready to eat?
That's the question that begs to be asked because the holidays are closing fast.
A few more days, and Lady Pepto, Sir Immodium AD, Sargeant Maalox and Duke Alka von Seltzer might become your best buds.
So, fellow bloggers, are you ready?
Oh, and I hope you don't get surprised by any silly holiday antics by your relatives ....
But if you do, I hope they'll be harmless as this guy's,
And a bit of advice .... Should Aunt Hagatha get a tad zealous and not only overcooks the precious turkey but all the fixings on the counter next to it, remember that professional fire fighters can and should be called when any HOT emergencies occur. (I'm having one just looking at this pic!)
Good survival advice, eh?
So, how are YOU getting ready??
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Sing with me, "Please, release me, let me go...finally!
Where to begin?
My theme song?
Or School's Out
Wasn't there a great tune in Footloose that sang about being Free? You bet. One of my favorites.
Try Born Free.
Anything musical that comes to your mind which embraces the element of freedom or escape from something that dominated your thoughts, life or time. Your choice.
Now would be a wonderful moment to celebrate being released from a major time and energy commitment, responsibility and a vested emotional interest. Except I'm one wiped out dudette.
The Holiday Craft and Food fair went well. True there are a few things we'd really wish we'd done differently, LIKE REMEMBER A FLIPPIN CAMERA!!!
The ready made mixes for the bean soup, Russian hot tea mix, beer breads and Mocha Cocoa flew off the tables. The chocolate covered spoons, the pies we made all summer and fall and many other preserved food items, were a hit!
And the jams!
I bought, cinnamon apple cider, Pineapple, Green Pepper, Peach and two of the port wine jams. They were out of the Garlic - pooh!
We sold out of the cat nip toys and the home made doggie bones. However, hardly anyone wanted to by home made bird feeders with suet and/or peanut butter.
Want to hear one of the reasons?
"Oh, once you start, you can't stop or they'll starve! That's too cruel! So we won't buy any at all."
Um, does that make sense? If there's an ice storm and they can't scritch or scratch for food, since when is offering them an alternative " cruel"?
I remember when we were planning our basket raffle, a/k/a Chinese Raffle. Who knows why that name is attached to this event when there's nothing Chinese about it ....
Anyway, we were struggling to get eight ideas off the ground and when all was said and done, there were SIXTEEN baskets of goodies offerred.
Guess what? I WON ONE OF THEM!!
Oh, do you want to know what I won?
A hand painted weather station in the shape of a bird house. It has an attached yard stick to measure the snow, a thermometer and when the weather is nicer, a rain guage. Cool, huh?
And a surprise. *grin*
There is SO much I could say about the whole experience. But blog hopping is supposed to be a quick thing and this could turn into a book.
I wouldn't do that to you.
Suffice it to say, I was in tears of happiness a few times, pulling my hair out at others. Got mad at someone ( which I don't usually do) and had someone threaten to walk out on me. (Averted, naturally). We were short of man (woman) power and I was responsible for three sections. The Pet Corner, the three tables of "Make an Offer" and the knitted/handmade section. At one point, the fourth area of "Make an Offer" which had two more tables assigned to it was also my responsibility.
Talk about crazy!
Talk about Stress!
Talk about thankfullness that there were HONEST people willing to wait to pay!!!
Talk about being grateful to the small core of women who stuck with me through all of this.
Talk about relief that It. Is. OVER!
However, yes folks here it comes.
I'd like to share, briefly, a moment of a personal nature. A moment that is special and perhaps uplifting.
Are you game?
There is a young girl who's helped us right along. 8th grader. Sweet as a peach and a credit to her parents. Her mom is my VP.
Half of her face was attacked by a viral infection that inadvertantly got a secondary bacterial infection on top of it. It looked painful and itchy. Her face was swelling and one of her eyes was swollen shut.
Did she stay home?
(FYI-she wasn't contagious at all)
But she was incredibly self conscious and worried and depressed. She hid the inner emotional toil this was taking on her so well - like a stoioc trooper -she worked both days at the fair and we didn't realize how deeply upset she truly was.
Until later today.
Earlier this morning, when she told us of her ER visit, she made a little comment about her looks.
I told her the truth, that I didn't notice the disfiguration.
"But I don't "SEE" it."
Do you know what I mean?
I was concerned for her.
Angry for her in the casual way her regular MD association(managed care HMO) treated her -- read "lack of care".
But it in no way detracted from her person. She was still wonderful in my eyes. I didn't feel she was "Less" because of how she looked.
Her mother later came to me in private, emotional and intense.
She said,
"Michele, you have no idea what that one sentence, what ONE sentence has made in the life of my daughter. I've told her that she's beautiful no matter what but because I'm her mom and I can see HER no matter what is happening, she wasn't buying it.
She's beautiful to me, but she couldn't hear that or believe it, coming from me. But you said that one thing that made her day. Saved it and changed it for her. That one sentence was pivotal. You said, "But I don't SEE that." Thank you. Thank you so much!"
And she gave me a hug. I hugged her back as one mom comforting another. Receiving thanks for something that at the time seemed such a small thing but had a profound effect on another's life.
Words have power.
Power for good.
Of anything from this event, with all I've written about, this ... this little story means the most to me. THIS was an ultimate success story.
I had tears in my eyes when she left.
Can you see why?
Friday, November 17, 2006
It's all about me
I'm SO stressed but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Some of you know that I, along with a few really dedicated ladies and fellow officers, have been working, slaving and worrying about the upcoming fair that we have been putting together.
The count down has started.
We were there last night until 10PM setting up. Will be there this morning and this evening, then the final precheck starts at 7:30AM Saturday.
9:00AM -F Time! (Fair, Fair, not the other F word!)
We work until 5:30 or 6 PM and start again 8AM and go to 2PM and then it is OVER!!!
Believe it or not, during the Flu clinic that was held in the hall yesterday and one of the reasons why we couldn't start setting up earlier in the week, the nurse administiring the shots fell in love with one of our tiny fully decorated one foot trees and BOUGHT IT!
There was another church worker who saw the wreaths we made on the porch of the Priest's house (there's an official word for it, but it escapes me) where we were storing them and she fell so in love with one that she bought it immediately!!!
Anyway, once all was done last night, we all took a deep breath and looked at what we did. It looked AWESOME!!!
I can't believe how it all came together.
I just hope all the rest- the workers, the crowd and the donated food, comes along as well.
Wish us luck!!!
We're gonna need it.
Oh! And did I tell you that on the way to work yesterday, it suddenly hit me that I FORGOT to get two of the main raffle prizes?
The Night at the Movies for Four and the $100.00 raffle tree!!!
You can guess what kind of a tizzy I'm in. I was able to grab a $40.00 concession card and I'll pick up the tickets at an AAA outlet. Saves $8.00 when you do that. Then, off to a package store to get scratch tickets.
And I have to BAKE!
Yep, we're going to need the wished luck. I'M going to need the wished for luck.
6:04 AM - time to get the horde off to school and work.
Have a great TGIF everyone!
If you need a Friday laugh, click on Bailey Stewart She has an hysterical SPAM post on Fridays that is too good to miss.
Monday, November 13, 2006
The Beautiful People
I'll admit to a snarky post coming up.
It is more of an observation than targeted at any one person.
Have you ever watched them?
I'm used to having visions in my head of the Bionic Man or the Bionic Woman jogging.
They were confident, sexy and purposeful joggers. Good form. No flopping wrists and bad clothes.
In real life?
Human Chickens.
Double Jointed floppers.
Human pendulums.
Limp wristed fish.
The high steppers
The sprinters
and (females only - I hope) the ones who are daring enough to jog and risk getting black eyes from their yo-yo-ing mammaries.
I was driving behind a female jogger the other day and I was cringing at her leg motions. It looked as though her knees bent out which had her legs lift up and angle to the side. Can you even imagine the visual? \ / Like a flapping V.
Can arthroscopic surgery be far from her future?
Or the man in the macho black sweat band with bunny hands held in front of him.
The lopers are kind of cool. They look more like a running ballet. You know, what they do before they leap? But the leap never comes - it's jogging.
Have you noticed?
Do you have any strange jogging stories to share?
Curious Kitty wants to know.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
I love Tarzan - OK- call it infatuation
Hmmm, maybe it was young Jai that got me hooked at the time.
When the re-runs started and I was old enough to appreciate older men, Ron Ely as Tarzan was my eye candy and infatuation du jour.
I loved his style, his voice and it was while watching the show with the nuns that I learned "Bringing in the Sheeves" or whatever that hymnal song was. I enjoyed the one where they were in some type of temple or paramid and he had to swim under water to escape. The plots were fantastical and there never was a steady female character to threaten my fantasies.
This is all from memory from *ahem* a LONG time ago.
How did I get on this topic?
I was cruising my on-line library catalog to look up Xanadu and ended up with a reference to Ron Ely and a mystery book about a investigator named Jack Sands. Turns out Ron is alive and well and an AUTHOR!!!
Am I going to be checking out his books? You bet!
Do you not even know who Ron Ely is? How handsome he was in his loin cloth?
Oooh, Click here to see his yumminess .....
See this pic with with the knife attached to his hip? Modern guys have replaced it with the CELL PHONE!!
Hmmm, Techno Tarzan - what a concept.
Do you have a favorite Tarzan???
Friday, November 10, 2006
Morbid Humor -
A man had just settled into his seat next to the window on the plane when another man sat down in the aisle seat and put his black Labrador Retriever in the middle seat next to the man.
The first man looks very quizzically at the dog and asks why the dog is allowed on the plane.
The second man explained that he is a DEA agent and that the dog is a "sniffing dog"
" His name is Sniffer and he's the best there is. I'll show you once we get airborne, when I put him to work."
The plane takes off, and once it has leveled out, the agent says:
"Watch this."
He tells Sniffer to "search".
Sniffer jumps down, walks along the aisle, and finally sits very purposefully next to a woman for a several seconds. Sniffer then returns to its seat and puts one paw on the agent's arm.
The agent says, "Good boy", and he turns to the man and says:
"That woman is in possession of marijuana, so I'm making a note of her seatnumber and the authorities will apprehend her when we land."
"Say, that's pretty neat" replies the first man.
Once again, the agent sends Sniffer to search the aisles. The Labs niffs about, sits down beside a man for a few seconds, returns to its seat, and this time, he places TWO paws on the agent's arm.
The agent says, "That man is carrying cocaine, so again, I'm making a note of his seat number for the police."
"I like it!" says his seat mate.
The agent then told Sniffer to "search" again.
Sniffer walked up and down the aisles for a little while, sat down for a moment, and then came racing back to the agent, jumped into the middle seat and proceeded to poop all over the place.
The first man is really grossed out by this behavior and can't figure out how or why a well-trained dog would act like that, so he asks the agent
"What's going on?"
The agent nervously replied,
"He just found a bomb!"
I could see this being funny because of the dog's chosen communication method, but serioiusly, I know this isn't the best form of humor. This is a sign of the times though. Trying to find humor in any situation is a survival instinct and talent. Humor helps get you through the worst times .... even "dark" humor generates a snicker or two.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Awww Moment if you please
A little boy goes to his father and asks
"Daddy, how was I born?"
The father answers:
"Well son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway!
Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo.
Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a
We sneaked into a secluded room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive.
As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said:
Scroll Down
> >
> > >
> > > >
You got Male!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Protect me from Retirement!
Our old friend, Wm. H "Bill" Fenton, recently
retired from the phone company and, to help
fill his days, now accompanies his wife on her
shopping trips to the local Walmart.
We know Bill and, therefore, can only speculate that
extreme boredom has led to his recent disruptive
behavior at the local Walmart...
Dear Mrs. Fenton,Over the past six months, your husband, Mr. Bill Fenton has been causingquite a commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this type of behaviorand have considered banning the entire family from shopping in anyof our stores.We have documented all incidents on our video surveillance equipment.Three of our clerks are attending counseling from the trouble yourhusband has caused. All complaints against Mr. Fenton have beencompiled and are listed below.
Mr. Wally Worrywart President
Wal-Mart Complaint Department-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Re: Mr. Bill Fenton - Complaints - 15 Things Mr. Bill Fenton has donewhile his spouse/partner is shopping:
1. June 15, took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people'scarts when they weren't looking.
2. July 2, set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minuteintervals.
3. July 7, made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to therest rooms.
4. July 19, walked up to an employee and told her in an official tone,"Code 3 in Housewares..." and watched what happened.
5. August 4, went to the Service Desk and asked to put a bag of M&M's onlay away.
6. September 14, moved a "CAUTION - WET FLOOR" sign to a carpetedarea.
7. September 15, Set up a tent in the camping department and told othershoppers he'd invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the beddingdepartment.
8. September 23, When a clerk asks if they can help him, he begins to cryand asks, " Why can't you people just leave me alone?"
9. October 4, Looked right into the security camera; used it as amirror, and picked his nose.
10. November 10, While handling guns in the hunting department, asked the clerk if he knows where the antidepressants are.
11. December 3, Darted around the store suspiciously loudly hummingthe "Mission Impossible" theme.
12. December 6, In the auto department, practiced his "Madonnalook" using different size funnels.
13. December 18, Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsethrough, yelled "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!"
14. December 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker,he assumes the fetal position and screams "NO! NO! It's thosevoices again!!!!"
(And; last, but not least!)
15. December 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door and waited awhile; then, yelled, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!"
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Cartoons for kids? Are they sure?
Tom And Jerry Tales. 8:30AM start time EST.
I was hearing strange sounds and went to investigate.
Imagine my surprise to see some sort of Hawiian fire goddess throwing fire balls at Tom the cat as he rode a totally unbelieveable surfboard on lava.
That wasn't my issue. Lava riding beings, man, machine or animal, has been done hundreds of times.
What I took umbrage to was the fact that the "fire goddess" was a naked buxom and shapely babe with wisps of fire slicing across her southern privates and fingers of flame cupping her ample breasts.
What in the world are these cartoonists thinking with -- their pencil penises?? Give me a break! That is not appropriate for children's TV.
Why do they have to sneak in sex?
Why do they target such a young audience?
They're skanky about it too. They couch sex within favorite characters so the kids will pitch a fit if you tell them to turn it off or change the channel.
"It's a good part, Mom! What's wrong with it?"
Scary, isn't it?
What is wrong?
It's wrong that they really don't know what they're being exposed to , but the seeds of casual sex and casual treatment of sex, male or female, have been planted. It's influence shows up once the hormones start changing their views of themselves, their peers and their world.
Don't even get me started on the violence that accompanies the sex. That is another soapbox subject.
So, have YOU watched the latest cartoon fodder on TV with your kids?
Have you seen what I've seen?
As adults, we can rationalize, understand and dismiss most of the crap imbedded in cartoons. I believe we do this automattically, like a reflex.
Kids haven't lived long enough to develop that reflex or anti-marketing skin. They are little sponges, absorbing everything - the filters develop as they age and as they gain maturity.
Right now, WE are the filters. As hard as it is to do, we must play the "bad cop".
If we don't,
I shudder to think about the ripple affect on the morality and ethics of our future society.
Time to catch the pebble BEFORE it hits the pond.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Modem Crisis
Guess what? I'm at work updating my Blog because I can no longer do it from home. So, for those of you who email me personally and you've sent me emails,
Over the weekend:
Our Septic pump shorted out
My car got a flat tire.
My modem in my year old computer stopped working. Kaput! I can't get online at all. A tech has to come to my home in the next 7 - yep, you read it right, SEVEN days. I am without online access!
So don't give up on me, please!
I can only do this at work, once. I think. I am SO glad I AM at work so at least I have this chance to let you know about the chaos in my life.
I hope Yours is no where near as... um..expensive as this weekend has turned out to be.
The GOOD news? The computer is under the extended warranty that we bought - Yahoo! AND
Sounds like I've got more Tricks than Treats, doesn't it????
Until whenever I can get back online!!! TTFN
sOUAumuis turningknve
Friday, October 27, 2006
Since when do they have a sense of humor and of the bizzare?
What do YOU think??? I'm sharing this because as embarassing as it may be to admit this, I was amused and chuckled at a few spots.
Now and then, a movie theater conquers an annoying mating ritual. The anomaly toward the cloud formation hesitates, because a garbage can around some tomato non-chalantly organizes an abstraction about the razor blade. A pork chop defined by a razor blade, another tomato, and some cyprus mulch living with a cowboy are what made America great! Any plaintiff can carelessly require assistance from a skinny cashier, but it takes a real scooby snack to dance with the power drill. Now and then, the fairy toward some short order cook knows a mating ritual
A steam engine defined by the prime minister ruminates, but an accurately tattered garbage can inexorably plays pinochle with the hockey player living with another eggplant. The spartan squid plays pinochle with another slow defendant. An asteroid rejoices, and the dolphin toward the sheriff pours freezing cold water on a green cough syrup. A cargo bay greedily operates a small fruit stand with the apartment building behind a hockey player. The linguistic hockey player is usually spartan. Now and then, a prime minister finds subtle faults with the warranty. A blood clot is resplendent. Furthermore, a carpet tack starts reminiscing about lost glory, and a tripod often throws a wedding dress toward a grain of sand at a blithe spirit and a revered polar bear Now and then....
I highlighted in red the parts that I thought were just plain silly.
Is this like....Mad Magazine meets Monty Python? **giggle**
Too weird!
What can a REAL writer do with this? How could you explain about the Cargo Bay or the tripod wearing a wedding dress?
Then of course, it begs the question, Why would you? **shrug**
To Top it??
At least they have good taste in watching Scooby Doo!!
Monday, October 23, 2006
The Price of Thanks
Some people are threatened by paying the cost for that something or just plain scared. Or, they can be accepting.
Put me in the column under Accepting.
I am awed that my friend has enough trust in me to recommend me for the job I now have, knowing how close we'd be working together. There is pressure there; not to let her down, to be worthy of this trust in me and our friendship and show the best of my work ethic.
That "pressure" is part of the cost, and I'll gladly pay it.
There is a more overt part of the cost that needs to be addressed. To verbally or visibly thank her.
I thought long and hard about my options. Let's face it, a card just isn't enough. I even picked her DH's brain about what would be the best way to show my gratitude and appreciation.
Believe it or not, husbands are good for things other than the obvious. Try Spousal information. He said the best thing for her was to take her out, away from the kids and home and just relax. He even said that for this, he'd make sure he was avaliable to watch the kids. Whoa.
It was a great idea.
I could do that!
I did it. Last night. I took her to a Portuguese restaurant and treated her to whatever she wanted.
Since it's been AGES since I've gone to a fancy restaurant myself, it was fun.
I want to share our menu choices with you.
HO HUM you say? *shrug*, Maybe ... but man! were my tastebuds happy.
First we started with a glass of white wine. Don't ask me the name, I couldn't pronounce it, never mind spell it. I will say that I liked it just fine.
Did you know that Tappas is Portuguese for Appetizers?
We started with Seven types of olives.
I was in shock!
You mean there are more than just green or black olives out of a jar from a grocery store?
That was ... interesting. ( she took the rest home)
Then we split the yummiest Crab Canape (was 2 1/2 inches thick) that was drizzled with house seasoned mayonaise and served on a bed of arugula.
Oh WOW! Tastebud Happy Dance.! No more cheap canapes for me. THIS was exquisite.
Then we had hot Pumpkin Soup with Cranberry Relish mixed in. Can you say Puurrrr?? It was a gastronomic delight. Too bad they didn't have free seconds. *grin*
Our entre came next. She ordered Blackened Scallops with a fancy rice (nearly burned my mouth off (SPICY) - we traded food so we could get an idea of the menu choices) and I ordered Steak Tips in Parmesansauce with a side of pasta and sun dried tomatoes. (humming in pleasure with this one)
The sad part? We couldn't finish it all so we had to take the famous "doggie bag" home.
Oh darn, that means I have to eat a fancy lunch for work on Tuesday. Gee, the hardship.
Too stuffed.
She had a good time and I thanked her again for the job offer.
I think that covered all the bases, don't you think?
As for the financial cost?
Um, well, let's just say that it's money well spent. *wink*
Friday, October 20, 2006
The Whole F'n Story
Have I told you yet how much I like my new boss?
She is fair, enthusiastic and has a great sense of humor.
On Thursday, she had me in a fit of giggles. I'm itchin' to share it with you.
Seems she likes her coffee. Nothing strange there, many of us do.
There are those of us who drink while we work at our computers, being careful to place our cups out of the path of our keyboards should anything tip, splash or topple.
You know what's coming, don't you?
Yep, it happened. Even though the lid was on good and tight, a spray came out of that little hole at the top and a dollap landed directly onto the keyboard in her laptop.
Major OOOPS!
What happens with liquid and keyboards? Nothing good. Usually nothing funny either. Leave it to my new boss to find the funny in a frantic situation.
As she quickly dabbed at the liquid trying to minimize the damage, she noticed that the focus of the liquid arc ended up being the letter F. The key popped off as she was wiping it but she wasn't too worried. She could type without the cap.
Guess what?
She could type without typing too. The only problem with this new development is that it kept typing the same letter.
F's all over the screen!!! She had an F'n problem.
We razzed her about her F'n computer all day. **gg**
Oh, yea, there was a lotta F'n going on in that room ... Teehee/snort.
Of all the letters to get stuck and repeat all by itself, it had to be F.
You couldn't plan that if you tried.
Didn't this make you smile?
I hope so, because I have a question for you.
If you were there, What F'n lines would you have come up with?
We could have some fun with this innocent snafu.
Wanna play???
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Trading Ideas: Candle Decoration
Trading Ideas: Candle Decoration: "Candle Decoration
First, wrap one long strand of copper wire around the candle several times to create a copper base, wrapping more around the bottom, and less as you get higher on the candle. To keep wires in place, finish your wrapping by twisting your remaining wire around a few wrapped wires until fastened. Then add assorted beads to another long strand of copper wire. The one shown has a mixture of seed beads and all different shapes and sized of glass beads. Wrap wire around the bead and back through the hole to keep in place on the wire. Or you can just leave space between the beads to allow them to 'float' or be movable. Keep doing this with multiple copper wires until you have reached the desired effect.
September 20, 2006 in Beading Permalink "
I need to remember HOW to do this. I'm going to be making this for the fair. I hope, me, a person who is all thumbs, can do this. How exciting!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Kara Cracks me UP!!
ROTFL!!! Kara has unusual insights about life and living, but this just has me busting a gut ....
I'm still snickering over this one. Either that, or I'm just feeling really good about my mini vacation... you decide.
Let's be Honest about us ....
Friday, October 13, 2006
Guess what? My DH went somewhere the other day and just missed meeting Gary Burghof ( that guy from MASH) by only a minute or two. OH! to be so close to a famous person, and yet so far! Everyone was abuzz about it.
I have to get my pics developed so you can see the snake that got into my house. Cute little thing, even cuter when they are outside where they belong.
Anyone read Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas? Yep, I'm a converted Kleypas fan. I got the book at my library sale the other day. Have I ever said how much I like that bi-annual event? Wow!
Isn't that amazing about all that snow in Buffalo, NY? They can keep it. I don't want THAT four letter word near me anytime soon ...until AFTER Thanksgiving. *grin*
I'm still liking my new job. Never dull, never predictable and always a challenge. AND I got some really cool NEW clothes - four dress shirts and a nice long brown dress with a leopard print jacket, all for $65.00. I love a bargain!
Actually, now I can start to indulge my passion of shopping. Woot! I used to own 15 pairs of shoes when I used to work for the bank years ago. I had green, yellow, orange, brown, blue, stiletto Red and basic black shoes. I was SUCH a shoe queen. I hope to get back in step with my inner shoe girl soon. However, you see Jimmy Choos on MY feet. I'm very rough and tumble with my footwear. Ol' Jimmy couldn't keep up and I'm not forking out that kinda dough for wimpy shoes.
I'm a frugal Yank! *grin*
OK, I hope I've given enough cerebral diahrea to entertain you. Have a great weekend all!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Plug in with C. J. Barry and Kat Richardson
One, I'm familiar with and a big fan of and the other is a newbie that I'm going to go on record saying that she's going to be a hit.
The first I'm going to mention is C. J. Barry ... or I should say, Samantha Graves her alter-ego.
She has a new line coming out that she's been working hard on and is very excited about. She has the cover of her new book coming out in 2007 on her blog and I really think it is eye catching ...see?
Let her know what you think of it on her blog. She'd love the feedback! C. J./Samantha
The second book I'm pluggin in on is
Greywalker by Kat Richardson.
This is the first book in the series. Done in first person POV, it delivers a unique idea on what people are trying to say is a rapidly aging theme.
Just when you are starting to hear "Aliens are the new Vampire", Kat takes you to a place you've never been before and proves that there is plenty left to discover about vampires. Don't get me wrong, this story doesn't put vamps as the primary focus. They are background ...if you can imagine that, but I suspect they won't allow themselves to stay there much longer. We know Vamps love to be in the limelight. No, this book has much more to offer in supernatural/paranormal adventures.
Our heroine, Harper Blaine is never TSTL. She has guts, bravado and a strong sense of responsibility. We experience with her the challenge of waking up and dealing with the growing pains of her new reality.
Um, nope, she's not waking up as a vamp ... that's being done too much. Blaine is Much much more and we just get a glimpse of what she's going to be capable of by the time the story wraps up its first exciting showdown.
I have already connected to the characters of Quinton, Carlos and Cameron. Alice has a potentially juicy role as a future badass, not to mention Wygan - the creepy and whose side is he really on kind of *guy*. I like Mara and Ben too. Oh, and Edward - not sure if he's good or bad. Delicious quandry.
There is a whole cast of characters woven well throughout this story. Each introduction makes sense and plays out well within Harper's journey.
I hope you give Kat Richardson's, Greywalker a chance.
It's worth the read.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Fur Just in case
Personally, I think it's hysterical.
Hairy manly chests.
I read on a news site this week that defurred men were out and pelts were in.
I was giggling hysterically.
Oh yeah, like I Luurve to vaccum the bathroom everyday and clean out the tub drain all the time and wake up with curly hairy bits all over me from a shedding He-Man. Never mind hair caught in your teeth ...hey! Get your mind out of the gutter. If it's all over the bed, don't you think some would fall in there while you all toss and turn through out the night? Geesh!
Pelt, schmelt ...
I mean, there is FUR and then there's
Then we proceed onto the reason why we are glad they invented
And Electrolux and .... well, you get the picture.
My question for you. Do you like Hair on the Chest of your Beloved or your hero???
How much is Too much?
Well, I guess I can help you answer the Too Much for you.... look at this and tell me.... is this OK only if you are a Were-being? Or is this a turn-on in real life?
Inquiring minds only want to know while peaking through the hands that are covering their eyes.
Time can be an enemy
Of course you do.
I am relearning this lesson. Not in a bad way mind you, but it does seem to have gained wings or, updating it, mach speed jets.
I don't seem to have much time for doing My Favorite Thing - reading.
I haven't shared books I've read in a LONG time. I need to correct this.
Are you ready? Pending means that I have it, but haven't gotten to it yet.
Playing easy to get / Sherrilyn Kenyon, Jaid Black, Kresley Cole. YUM!!!
Chance encounter / Jill Shalvis. Oh yes, great read... Thanks Bailey for turning me onto the Shalvis!!!
Men of courage II / Lori Foster, Donna Kauffman, Jill Shalvis. Yep, good read
Men of courage / Lori Foster, Donna Kauffman, Jill Shalvis. Oh wow, those alpha heroes
Foster, Lori, 1958-
Hex and the single girl / by Valerie Frankel. CUTE!! I'd read it again
Frankel, Valerie.
Have glass slippers, will travel / Lisa Cach. I like the way she writes
Fetish : fashion, sex, and power / Valerie Steele. Whoa - fascinating reading
Steele, Valerie.
Extraordinary origins of everyday things / Charles Panati. Fun
Panati, Charles, 1943-
New England wildlife : habitat, natural history, and distribution / Richard M. DeGraaf, Deborah D. Rudis.
DeGraaf, Richard M. Research
Truth or dare / Lori Foster. Oh Yea, Lori's awesome!
Foster, Lori, 1958-
Murphy's law / Lori Foster. I have GOT to get Jude's law... yowza!
Foster, Lori, 1958-
Dangerous tides / Christine Feehan. Hmmm, I like the sisters, I'm just not sure..not jumping yeah here.... but it was a good read
Feehan, Christine.
Totally fun things to do with your cat / Maxine Rock ; illustrated by Ed Shems.
Rock, Maxine A., 1940-
09-16-2006 Research
Mysteria / MaryJanice Davidson ... [et.al.]. I WANNA GO THERE!!!!
Red hot murder : an Angie Amalfi mystery / Joanne Pence. Pending....
Pence, Joanne.
Under the boardwalk / Carly Phillips. 1/4 into the book , then I got divirted by my Vamps...
Phillips, Carly.
Match me if you can / Susan Elizabeth Phillips. Oh Yes!! This was great, especially since I've read the previous books..... read this!
Phillips, Susan Elizabeth.
Keep me forever / Rosemary Laurey. I love this series!!!!
Laurey, Rosemary.
I'm the vampire, that's why / Michele Bardsley. Teehee.... I liked this.. I saw some reviews that said it concentrated on too much sex... um,... where's the problem???
Bardsley, Michele.
Dark dreamers / by Christine Feehan, Marjorie M. Liu. I read Christines first... I've not gotten to Marjorie's yet but I will. Powerful combo
The secret night / Rebecca York. Pending ....
York, Rebecca.
Dead end dating a novel of vampire love / Kimberly Raye. Pending....
Raye, Kimberly.
Thunderstruck / Rachel Lee. Pending ...
Lee, Rachel.
Kitty and the midnight hour / Carrie Vaughn. Oh WOW oh WOW what a great intro book! Next is Kitty goes to Washington and I have it on order. Loved this although one of my fav characters died and I'm not over it yet. Why??!!! **sniffle**, but I DO recommend...
Vaughn, Carrie.
Jane's warlord / Angela Knight. A re-read...I love this one
Knight, Angela.
Touch of evil / C.T. Adams & Cathy Clamp. Pending
Adams, C. T. (Cie T.)
The trouble with magic / by Madelyn Alt. Pending
Alt, Madelyn.
Mortal danger / Eileen Wilks. Pending
Wilks, Eileen.
Dates from hell / Kim Harrison ... [et al.] Pending
A hunger like no other / Kresley Cole. Oh cool! I saw the first of her stories in an anthology and I couldn't put it down. I love this series, has some REALLY unique elements. I want me a werewolf guy .... *wink*
Cole, Kresley.
Shadow of the moon / Rebecca York. Pending
York, Rebecca.
This is the list I have REQUESTED that is coming my way.... Woot!
The forsaken : a vampire huntress legend / L.A. Banks.
Greywalker / Kat Richardson.
Ready. Must pick up by 10-16-06
Be mine tonight / Kathryn Smith.
High stakes / Erin McCarthy.
Tall, dark & dead / Tate Hallaway.
Full moon / Rebecca York.
Moon's web / C.T. Adams & Cathy Clamp.
Captive moon / C.T. Adams and Cathy Clamp.
Moon called / Patricia Briggs.
Mercenaries / Angela Knight.
Forbidden magic / Cheyenne McCray.
Kitty goes to Washington / Carrie Vaughn.
Deep, dark & dangerous / Jaid Black.
Strictly taboo / Jaid Black.
True blood / Patricia Waddell.
So, now yo have what I've read so far this September and what I'm going to.
In between is life, living and lovin'.
Not bad.
Time CAN be an enemy ..... if you let it.
Things I Learned About Nursing Homes and Rehabs for the Elderly
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I thought I'd already done my post for this Saturday , but I really NEED to share this with you all. There was a blog that I enjoyed vis...